Jaroslav Strašil, Josef Kales, Miroslav Kolečkář, Miroslav Mužík, Albert Pišl, Miroslav Pivrnec
Václavské náměstí, Praha
Foto: Tomáš Rubín, archiv
Autor textu: Pavlína Krásná
Překlad: Petr Danda
Being the first important project in the field of social public infrastructure, it used a new effective structural design system, reducing construction costs. The ceiling construction was designed like a bridge structure, where conic columns locally support the ceiling, eliminating the necessity of beams. The interior cladding comprises various advanced materials as different types of marble, syenite and limestone. The result is a very functional yet highly artistic interior space. But today, the impression you get of this place will probably be the opposite: Heavy commercialization overshadowed the artistic conception of the space and greatly reduced publicly accessible floor area. It is about time to push for a careful restoration that would cleanse the underpass from its thick layer of commerce and low quality attachments.